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Some Details About A Home Built CNC machine

Some Details About A Home Built CNC machine


Woodworker Jeremy Schmidt explains how and why he modified an existing CNC Machine for his own use and to his specifications.



Building your own CNC Machine is well within your ability as a woodworker, and adding this versatile tool to your workshop will allow you to create masterpieces beyond your wildest imagination.

The one you will see in the following video cost only $500. That’s because all the parts were brand new. You can actually put one together for under $160. It all depends on how much you want to spend on your parts. You can even make it from scraps using printer motors and old car parts.

Click Here to Watch That Video.




One thought on “Some Details About A Home Built CNC machine

  1. Paul Tomnitz

    I can’t help but wonder how you made some of the things you show in the video with this machine. It is only 3 axis and many of the things you show require much more than that. please Explain

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